It’s highly possible I am not telling you the truth. (I’m just sayin’.) It could be that every single thing I say is false, muddled, garbled and confused.
In an hour, a day, a week, a month, I might even see it as a lie, myself. I might decide I said it all wrong.
This doesn’t mean it’s not from the heart. What it means is that this is what my mind does when it attempts to express what’s in my heart. The mind filters, strains, edits…and it adds flourishes. This is the nature of writing, I find, and the nature of words. This doesn’t necessarily make it untrue, either. How funny is that?
What I am is truth. What you are is truth, at the deepest level. That’s saying an entirely different thing. Truth seems to be what’s here in front of me before my interpretations or feelings or opinions get added into the mix. Truth doesn’t have to tell a story about itself. It just is.
I love a good story, though. I’ll be the first to admit it. Our stories add color to our lives. Maybe that’s the whole point: Color. Experience. Drama. What would life be like without them? Less painful? More peaceful? Just plain boring?
I am learning that I create the meaning. It doesn’t seem to exist anywhere else. It’s my own toy to play with. It’s my own pallet to paint with.