I heard this message for myself one morning…and now I want to share it with you:
When the world seems to suggest that you stay small, do not believe it.
Do not listen.
When it seems to suggest that it is better to stay safe, not to venture out into your dreams or to the very edges of what you thought was possible, when it seems to suggest that you can’t, know that your dreams are precious. Your dreams are worth the effort. Your freedom lies in the wide open spaces of that heart.
Your freedom lies in the singing of your song. Sing it loud. Let those around you know that it is safe to come out of hiding. Show them that it is safe for them to sing their songs, too. Show them how beautiful they are.
When the world seems to suggest that you toe the line, that you do not know your own way; when it seems to suggest that it is better not to be curious…oh, be very skeptical!
Be very curious indeed. There is power in your curiosity.
You are alive right now to give your gift…your very own unique gift. There is no one else who can do that for the “us”…for the whole…for the One.
Feel the truth in your body of how you belong, All your skittering thoughts to the contrary are lies you don’t need to believe.
You are here, walking the earth now. You are breathing and being held in a mysterious miracle of love. That is proof of your belonging.
Therefore be bold. Therefore let yourself be truly alive. Wonder. Ask questions. Do the work of knowing what you really want…and pay attention, for that is the call of God.
Thank you.
Very well said aly. Let your light shine no matter the weather outside
Hi Craige! I just saw your comment. Thanks so much.