So this is how I ended up coaching myself this morning. I found it rather interesting…and counter-intuitive. I never know what’s going to show up when I set pen to paper:
What do you want? Breathe into that. Breathe into your dreams. Allow yourself to wander in your joy. Allow yourself to wander in magic. (Pssst…it really is all magic. All miraculous.)
The woman writing this, who is sixty one years old, who has sometimes felt herself so far behind she thought she would never catch up…who has sometimes felt her life was nearly over, is also the child who adores writing and language and dancing and living in her open heart. The child loves living in the moment, right here in this now. And the child knows her Source. She knows where she comes from. She is connected to the mystery and the inherent power of her dreaming and desire.
Every moment is an arriving…a connection to Presence. There is no need to “figure it out”. There is no need to battle your life into submission. Leave yourself a little open. Leave a little space for wonder. It’s all okay. You really don’t have to force anything. Stay connected to your curiosity…let that guide you.
Do the things. Certainly. Do the things in front of you to do…but do them from that place of curiosity. Your freedom lies in that openness…that wonder. Please give yourself a break, as you go forth to do your work: remember that you are here not to “achieve” or to reach “goals”. You are here to love your life. Isn’t that a relief? Isn’t that a weight off your shoulders?
If there are goals, things you’re dreaming of and would like to create in your life…well and good. I’m not saying they are wrong or bad. Not at all. But they are here to serve you, not you them. Your dreams are here to serve your joy; not to turn your life into slavery and drudgery and feelings of worthlessness. Hold your dreams lightly…with an open hand. They’re butterflies in the open field of your being. Follow them! Don’t crush them with your seriousness.
So what I’d love to know is: What are you dreaming of? Please leave me a line or two in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.