Take a breath right now, and take a break from obligation.
Take a break from having to prove yourself to the world; to anyone, even yourself.
In this moment, know that you are enough. It’s all enough, just as it is.
That you are living, breathing, alive upon this earth…is enough.
You are worthy of your breath and you are worthy of your own love.
You are enough without striving, without forever efforting, without being “good” in the eyes of the nameless, faceless, nebulous “everyone”. (And who is that really but you, mirroring yourself back to yourself?) You are enough.
Rest for a moment from the world that tells you that you must always be on a quest to better yourself, to improve yourself. Rest a bit from the hamster wheel.
You can’t hear your own heart when your mind is going a-mile-a-minute.
Stop. Recognize the moment. Recognize how the world turns and the sun rises without you having to do a thing. You don’t have to work to exist, to breathe, to belong. You don’t have to work to take in your experience. The fact that you are here is a miracle.
This is your home., your true home; this Presence. Remember to enjoy it.
Remember to let your doing begin from a space of unvarnished existence and delight. Remember to let it come from a place of being glad to be alive.
Gratitude. Joy.
Dance. Blossom. Bloom. Naturally.
I always rest in your words. Thanks.
Thank you, Dear Heart.