As I breathe into this fresh morning…this new day; and into my intentions to let go of preconditioned ideas about how life is “supposed to be”–and how it’s “supposed to look”–as I let go of the need to explain, or convince, or answer to anyone about the choices I have made–I also open my heart to taking things less seriously. I open my heart to joy. To have fun. To play.
I also open my heart to teaching myself more about rest. Better rest. Deeper rest. More effective rest. So that my times of productivity and creativity are also more focused and more fruitful.
May my heart listen to the whispers…the nudges…may it be attentive and open.
Surely I am not outside the creative pulse of the world. Of life. Surely I belong, too. For here I am. This story. This existence. This beating heart…
This heart that beats “I want…I want…I want.”
This heart that has tended to get lost in searching and seeking and not having. In stories of “not enoughness” and envy. Others are so much more connected to their purpose…to a magical synchronicity…others are so much more connected to God.
As if that connection were not my birthright.
As if it were not already the truth of my being.
As if I had not merely turned my face away and immersed myself in believing a distraction.
As if I were not held in an ineffable Presence the whole time.
“Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while a great wind carries me across the sky” ~ Ojibwe Saying