Things are changing in my life right now.
At the end of the month, I will be moving…heading back to Wisconsin for an undetermined time. I am looking forward to seeing friends and getting some health things checked into by my doctors there.
The vision in my right eye has recently changed. Something happened, an ophthalmologist here in Florida told me, called “ischemic optic neuropathy.” I had some blood tests so that the doctor could know there is no immediate emergency. Now, I am breathing into healing my right eye. My left eye has already had glaucoma for years, so I was distressed at first.
I will be leaving Florida, the tropical climate, and this house where I have become accustomed to living for the last six months. I will be parting physically from dear friends with whom I have been living and working to create next steps and fresh possibilities…people who have encouraged me and meant a lot to me on my journey.
I am ready to move on now, into a new perspective–a light at the end of the tunnel around my relationship with money and abundance and how that all happens. I am ready to begin moving from fear into joy…from panic into calm.
Certainly, there are things happening “out there” in the world, too: covid, dissension about the presidential election in our country…all the news.
Life is happening and emotions are swirling.
Meanwhile, every Tuesday I have been meeting with the women in Dr. Kate Dow’s Cultivating Calm and Confidence Within group coaching program. I’ve been getting in touch with the feminine embodiment of wisdom and intuition. It has been such a blessing and helps me through the ups and downs. I am learning even more about creating my own sense of safety and equilibrium. My desire, right now, is to create an even deeper connection with my life, my experience, and my freedom.
So I breathe. I remember what I was shown last Tuesday.
I breathe into my throat chakra. I breathe into my voice.
I breathe into my heart chakra. Acceptance. Forgiveness. Tenderness.
I breathe into my solar plexus chakra. I breathe into the stagnant feelings I have had of powerlessness and fear. I breathe compassion into my solar plexus. Understanding. Love. I breathe compassion into the old searching. Old Shame. Smallness. Feelings of incompetence and “not enough.”
As I breathe, I remind myself of innocence. Not merely my own innocence, not a personal innocence, but the innocence of everything and everyone.The innocence of the whole experience of life. I breathe into a stability in the solar plexus, a place to stand.
In the end, nothing is separate and nothing is harmed. In the end it is all swirling energy. In the end, where is a judge?
Feelings are also not “wrong” or “bad”. My entire being is allowed.
Lastly, I breathe into the sacral chakra; the sacred womb where gestation is happening and the next possibility is preparing to be birthed. I breathe into change and the creative power of imagination. I breathe into not knowing.
I am grateful for all that is happening in my life. I am grateful for all that I am being shown and for the sisterhood of the women in this group. Doors are closing and doors are opening. I am looking forward to the new year.
Hi Aly, I am impressed by the way you write your feelings. Write it all down, maybe it will be a chapter in your future book. I wish you all the luck you can have. Every time I see that you writing in my group I will send you healing and love. Remember that because you can feel it. That is the healing energy. Drink lots of water. I am with you Aly in this changing time. My life has change too! We live in the now not in past or future. Bye Aly
Thank you Jacinta!!