I am hearing so many great questions to look at…to test…to feel into..in my life right now. Questions from Tony Robbins’ Awakening the Giant Within and Majo Molfino’s Break the Good Girl Myth. Questions from all kinds of different directions. This is a time to investigate my life.
What do I want? What do I honestly want? What’s great in my life right now? What brings me joy? What do I have to say? What’s my message to the world? What problem or problems would I like to solve in the world (for myself and others)?
There is that which is in a hurry…that thinks of itself as already “old”…thinks of itself as not having time, anymore, for all this introspection…investigation…exploration. And sometimes my heart is heavy.
“That time is past,” a mean voice says. “It’s too late! Where were you earlier? You’ve missed the boat and you are never going to catch up. Don’t even bother.”
Another voice reminds me that I am still alive…and that I can be as alive as I choose to be. Right now. Today. It reminds me to revel in that…to nurture it…to join the celebration. This voice reminds me to be grateful…to live with my heart wide open, come what may. I am reminded that it is moment…to moment…to moment that counts. There is a richness there, in the journey itself.
I hear messages, then, in my world, that say, “It’s okay to take things less seriously.” Accomplishment isn’t everything. Breathe. Laugh. Relax. Please relax…because ramping up the stress has never gotten you anywhere.”
I am invited again into Presence…and wonder…and permission to create. I am invited into mystery and sweet bewilderment.
And I remember that Rumi says, “You’ll be forgiven for forgetting that what you really want, is love’s confusing joy.”