
Well, Readers, I am feeling my little avatar at absolute zero today. I am depleted.

I am exhausted, groggy, grumpy, wishing it were cooler in this room (everyone is talking about how this is the hottest summer in Ireland in a long time)…and something is going on with my stomach.

I am not venturing out with people today. Today is a day to drink tea and water and maybe eat something as the need strikes…and rest, rest, rest.

Athlone is beautiful. The River Shannon runs through the town and there is a huge church there; The Church of Saints Peter and Paul. It’s gorgeous.

Of course immediately after I spoke of writing a little something every day, I was too tired when I got back to my room to catch up.

I also notice the Universe tested me almost immediately on the things I said about mistakes yesterday. (“You’re going to roll with the mistakes and take them as learning experiences? Lets see…”)

I met a man while I was sitting on a bench next to the river and ended up spending some time with him (enough for a chat and a walk and a cup of coffee). He turned out to be a bit of a “masher”.

What was I doing and where was my inner guidance system?

It was a huge lesson, though; a lesson that had to do with setting my boundaries and sticking by them.

I am unharmed. The man seemed lonely and awkward more than anything. I do notice that it took me way too long to acknowledge my discomfort with certain ways he was touching me…rubbing my hand with his thumb, squeezing my shoulder, even forcing a kiss a la Pepe Le Pew when I told him I was going to explore on my own again and said goodbye.

What I’m saying is…this was really showing me to stand up for how I want and don’t want to be touched. It was showing me to feel my boundaries and to give myself permission to take care of myself. My inner guidance system was right there the whole time. I had been ignoring it.

No more.

The other lesson regarding mistakes happened on the way home.

I missed telling my bus driver from Tullamore where I wanted to get off…and I ended up in a village down the road; much to far to walk back, (especially in the heat, yesterday). At that time of day, the bus is in for the night. It isn’t turning around…and there is no such thing as a taxi in the little village of Kilcormac. So, I was in a quandary.

I finally called my kind host at the B&B and was picked up…once I found some nice folks who showed me an open shop. In the shop was a gentleman who was extremely helpful. My own phone was dead and the phone number to my host was buried in some some messages we had back and forth through airbnb. (I hadn’t needed it up until last night!)

First item on the agenda: Charge the phone. The shop owner had a handy charger. Yay!! Check.

Second item on the agenda: Get on WiFi.  They had WiFi in the shop, too. Yay again! Check.

Third item on the agenda: Find the phone number. Check.

Fourth item on the agenda: Ask the shop owner to ring my B&B so I can speak with someone. Check.

Once that was all done I  had my ride back. But I wondered why I didn’t have the phone number in a handy place…and how I managed to miss my stop.

Today all I want to do is to be kind to myself, take in the lessons, learn from them,  and forgive. I. am. so. tired.

I will leave you with some photos of the River Shannon:


and the Church of Saints Peter and Paul: