I read a marvelous phrase today: “purposeful inaction.”
It struck me rather like a thunderbolt. It has been a year and eight months since I left my job at UW Hospital in Madison and this is what I have been attempting, anyway, to do. Take time to refocus. Reorient myself. Learn to live in a new way. Get quiet inside.
Sometimes it has been a challenge to find the quiet. (The head can be a noisy place, can’t it?)
I tell my mother I am feeling into the next thing in front of me…nothing much further than that.
How “successful” I have been at it is another matter; how well I have been feeling into my own intuition and my own guidance is another matter. Still, how can I begin anyplace but right here, right now…always…right? It does no good to wish things otherwise. Whatever has gone on before, here I am. This is the place to start; every day, every moment. I don’t have another.
Sometimes, it’s time to take a step…make a move. Sometimes, it’s time for purposeful inaction. May the universe show me, moment by moment, which of those two belongs to that moment. I suppose that’s what it’s been doing all along, anyway…whether I understand it, or not…whether I find myself making judgments about it, or not. Something bigger than me seems to have a handle on things.
Let us dance to the music that’s playing right now. What else can we do?