For the last few days I have been in resting and gathering mode. I have been gathering energy and maybe some guidance through the static of my spiritual GPS.
What I know is, sometimes I have tried to press on through messages to stop, just stop…and to get really quiet. Lately, I had been trying to “power ” my way through some haziness about purpose…and some sort of self-talk in the back of my head about using my time here in Ireland wisely.
I don’t want to mess up this opportunity, after all.
Hurry. Hurry. Hurry. Get this right! Don’t screw it up.
It doesn’t work that way, does it? When I start wandering off into the dark like that, it just gets darker.
The body says, “Breathe.”
The spirit says, “Listen.”
When I finally listen, the heart says, “Thank you. Oh, thank you. Thank you.”
So I got a little laundry done today. I hung it up on a line outside. (I haven’t done that in a long, long time…maybe even never. Maybe it was my mom who last hung my clothes on a line.) That was my accomplishment for the day. That…and this…stopping in to say hello to you, which I’m really glad I did.