I am feeling deeply into a sense of being alone, today, Readers. I feel it calling me.
It’s like a heaviness in my chest, and in my solar plexus…and like a wandering, pacing restlessness (that’s the part that wants to get away from actually feeling it). Have you ever felt like that?
I notice it’s not really a terrible thing. (Though sometimes it feels like that, at first.) In fact, it’s extraordinarily loving.
It’s kind.
It says, “Listen, this is how you take care care of yourself: You take care of yourself by noticing. You take care of yourself by not running away. You take care of yourself by breathing deep breaths and paying attention to your heart. You take care of yourself by never,ever denying what you feel.”
Things are changing. This is what it feels like for things to change. This is what it feels like to grow. This is what it feels like to be gentle with myself…and say yes. When I give myself full permission to feel what I’m feeling, I find the restlessness begins to rest. I feel the things that were clutching begin to unwind.
There is a little resistance popping up now saying, “Wow. Are you actually going to publish this? Don’t you think it’s a little much?” Yes. Yes, I am. Because, I don’t know…maybe…maybe it is a little much, but it’s my truth of the day.