A message from Spirit that I hope may speak to you, as well. We are all part of the human condition:
What are you learning?
What are you learning about your own innocence…about the innocence of the world?
What are you learning about forgiveness?
What are you learning about love…about the nature of love…where it comes from?
What are you learning about resistance? What is the nature of resistance? What is the nature of the brick walls in your life…the ones that have seemed to block you from what you want…or from moving forward?
My desire is that you pay attention. My desire is that you remember how free you are…awaken to how free you are. Awaken to the power in that.
You are love, child. You are love and you are loved. Everything you want lives inside you. The courage you want lives inside you, burning like a fire…ready. You only need to be willing to accept it.
You only need to investigate all your excuses. Investigate what’s been hurting you. Investigate the stories you have been telling yourself…all those stories that have been protecting you, but also keeping you small…keeping you from your experience of power.
Find your small steps to the edge…and a little past the edge.
Name what you want.
The time has come for you when all the recycled words about it are not enough. What has served you in the past is no longer serving. It is growing into the next thing. I know you may not see how. All you need to do is say “yes”. Keep saying yes. This has been since the first days of the journey into your freedom…and you have done the best you were able until now. You have seen the gifts from that. Continue, sweetheart. Simply continue. A little further into yes…and a little further. The Divine Father walks with you. The Divine Mother whispers in your heart. Listen. Everything you require is within you.
There is nothing to prove. Ignore what you’ve thought you had to prove…and what you’ve failed to prove…and where you thought you’d fallen short. Pay attention to what you desire with your whole heart. Those are your signposts. That’s your GPS.
Take your time, child. Go at your own pace. Honor your pace. But say yes to your yes. Call out for the help you need.
Well written Aly
Thank you Sandi!
Hi alyce, I am always interested in your thoughts, though I can’t follow them easily. Let’s see. No, doubt I could ever forgive anyone who murdered someone in my family, though would not ask for death penalty. What do I want now? See trump out of office. Teachers to be paid fairly in Las Vegas and everywhere. Humane treatment at our borders. Immediate steps toward gun control. All kudos to spirit guides who can help with these issues, or give me power to help-love, judy
(answered privately)
Love this. Jesus said this too. Perhaps Buddha, not sure on that, never studied it. But it resonates as true. Opening my heart chakra.
Yay for opening heart chakras!!