Hello Dear Readers! Wow! It’s been awhile again! I wanted to catch you all up on what I’ve been up to.
Firstly, I have been participating in an online course called The Writer’s Flow Workshop run by a wonderful woman by the name of Rhonda Douglas who wants to help writers move into their full power and to get their work “out there”. (Yay!!) Mostly, this course is about creating space for writing; both inner and outer space, emotional space as well as capturing the time. It’s about the importance of a writer’s creative life and how to make it work. This group is gearing up to create a plan for what we want to focus on in the next year.
A really nice quote I received through Rhonda Douglas comes from Margaret Atwood (writer of A Handmaid’s Tale):
“A word after a word after a word is power.”
I have also signed up for and begun a course titled “Virtual Coach”, which is pretty much what it sounds like. This one is run by Eben Pagan and Eben is a genius at learning, specifically, paying attention to how he has learned and how people in general learn. He is definitely among the most curious people I know of. We do live 90-minute webinars on Tuesdays (usually) and full day webinars every other Saturday besides the coursework.
Virtual Coach is about learning how to coach others; being a bridge or “midwife” to what someone really desires in their life. This is super exciting to me!
One of the biggest things I’m learning is that in order to do something like this, I have to have my own “stuff” together, so to speak, so I am changing along the way, too. I can’t talk to someone about creating a morning routine that nourishes and energizes them if I’m not taking care of myself. I can’t talk to someone about having a difficult conversation if I’m not willing to do that. I have to be willing to “go first.”
Another thing I’m learning is that each of us really does have our own answers, a coach is just there to facilitate the client in coming to their own conclusions and their own insights. The process itself really does the work.
The “Virtual” part is that most of this work is done online, through Zoom or some other online method that brings coach and client face to face. I am feeling more courageous and getting my feet wet with practice sessions and conversations with friends and family, as well as reaching out to people who are in this course with me for practice sessions. With every step I am feeling as if what I am doing is becoming more real. It’s amazing.
And the thing is, even if I weren’t to end up coaching I’m getting so much out of the course. I’m loving being connected to people in this way.
So, that’s what I’m up to!! Happy Holidays: Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Blessed Solstice, Happy New Year and whatever else you’re celebrating!
Write and tell me what you’re up to! I’d love to know. And by the way, if you are interested in a free coaching session, I’d LOVE to practice with you!