– Immortal words of Boudicca, as penned by Tacitus
Yesterday I attended my first “Cultivating Calm and Confidence” group coaching session. (What a marvelous experience I had with those beautiful women!) This morning I am looking at a question Dr. Kate Dow left us with:
What is the energy of the Queen archetype?
To me, a Queen is wise. She weighs her options and is guided by her intuition. She has an inner strength that runs deep. She is resourceful. She gathers those around her whose ideas and counsel she respects. She is open and receptive to ways of thinking that differ from her own–and she is cognizant of being a leader. Ultimately the decisions are hers. Ultimately she knows she is the one who is responsible.
A Queen respects herself. She is aware of her boundaries and she upholds them. Her bearing is poised. Her confidence is a reassuring light for those around her. She is gracious. She has no need to compete with anyone because she knows her own worth.
She is the ruler of her inner Queendom…and that expresses itself gently but firmly in the outer world. Her motivation is love–love for herself and love for others.
A Queen is bold. She is courageous. Her resourcefulness allows her to make tough choices. She is led by her heart.
A Queen is willing to go through her dark night of the soul over and over again to find her answers. And she is a warrior. She does not require others to do what she would not. She is fierce when necessary. When she moves, she moves from clarity.
So now I am curious to hear, especially from the women, what Queen means to you.
What do you think a Queen is? Tap into your inner Queen and let me know in the comments.

by Lizbeth Cheever-Gessaman
@ She Who Is Art https://www.facebook.com/shewhoisart shewhoisart.com
I like how you explain stuff. Very relatable!
Thank you!!